Hello Everyone,
I would just like to touch base with all of you to send you what our last two weeks will look like. First, I want to thank you for your patience these last few weeks. It has been an emotional roller-coaster but having students like you have made it easier to cope. I truly am grateful for your understanding and empathy. Honestly, you have given me strength. I apologize if I seem somewhat "off", I am just trying to get through my days right now. Things are still very difficult and getting through each day has been emotionally and physically draining. I appreciate your support. I have always tried to accommodate to my students in their time of need and it has been extremely helpful you have done the same for me. I hope that I have continued to give you everything I can and more. Your educational experience in ASL is so important to me.
Here is what you can expect the next few weeks.
Week 13
Units 10-11
Sec. 002 attend tutor
Quiz 10-11 (this will happen instead of chapter test as stated in syllabus)
Week 14
Unit 12
Friday, Dec. 9th, Chapter Exam 9-12
Sec. 001 attend tutor
Final Blog (response is not required for this final assignment)
Sign up for Signing Session for Week 15. Sign up sheet will be posted near my door Wednesday.
Week 15
Review and Interview Practice
Interview sessions in pairs
Sec. 002 attend tutor
Units 1-12 Use Daily Log to study
8:00 is on Thursday, Dec. 22 at 12:00 pm
9:15 is on Tuesday, Dec. 20 at 8:00 am
Study Guide
American Sign Language Final Study Guide
(Units 1-12, lectures, blog and daily log)
Week 16 is your final exam. I have created a study guide to help you prepare for your exam. Keep in mind that you are responsible for ALL information presented to you, units 1-12 of the required text, daily log, lectures, blogs and vocabulary from stories presented in class. This is meant to be used as a guide only. Not all information that is going to be in the exam is listed here. Be sure to review your daily log. This is the best study guide I could give you. Be responsible and read & review your lecture notes and your required text. Study with someone it will help. Be sure to carefully review the daily log as well as all grammar and culture notes listed in your text.
• Review units 1-12 use your table of contents to find areas that were highlighted in each unit. (grammar, culture and vocabulary)
• Review all vocabulary, be sure to look for signs I had you add to your lists.
• Know the 5 parameters of sign and be able to use them to explain signs.
• Review all classifiers and be sure that you can explain what they are representing. (units 7 & 10 have lists of classifiers)
• Review information that I presented to you in class that is not in your text.
• Review key points in our blogs.
• Review key points that were presented in class
• Use your index to study vocabulary. You need to know all vocabulary up to pg. 169.
• Review numbers and fingerspelling. Although this is not a main focus on the exam it is important that you know them. Be sure to review the number "cheat" sheet and fingerspelling tips in your daily log.
The exam is both receptive and written. The exam will be recorded. I will sign and you will record your answers. There will also be a signed story as well on the exam. This story will be from a videotape. The final will have True or False, Multiple Choice, Short answer, and Essay. There will be a section on vocabulary, grammar & structure, classifiers, parameters, and culture.
Keep in mind that the test is timed and it is very important that you list your response and look up for the next sign or sentence. You will see vocab. 2x but sentences only once. Repeats are not allowed on this exam at any time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please ask me in class. You may list them here as well.
You will sign up with a partner for the interview. During the interview you will be required to demonstrate your ASL 1 knowledge by answering two short questions from topics in your table of contents and two randomly drawn dialogues, switching roles within each. These dialogues come from your book and DVD. Be sure to review them carefully. Interviews take around 5 minutes to complete.
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