8:00 a.m.
Tuesday, December 21
12:00 noon
9:15 a.m.
Wednesday, December 22
8:00 a.m.
The exam will cover units 1-12.
*The Receptive and Written Exam will cover units 1-12 and all information covered in class. This includes information that was not in your book (lectures, films, media clips). There will be specific sections on the exam. These sections are:
• Vocabulary section (mulitple choice)
• Grammar section (be able to identify specific grammar)(wh?, yes/no?, topics, modals, directional verbs, noun/verb pairs, verb pairs etc.) and answer specific questions
• Parameters section testing your vocab knowledge
• Structure, grammar, and culture (True & false, fill in, essay and multiple choice)
• Classifier section Be sure to be able to identify the concept of a classifier
Half of the exam will be live (instructor (s) will be signing. The other half will be written questions *For all units, be sure to read all grammar and culture notes in your book, review sentence structure and grammar, and review your vocabulary. I recommend studying with a group or a partner. You may want to give each other practice exams. What is listed below is important for the exam.
Film: Through Deaf Eyes
Unit 1
Yes/no? Facial grammar
Wh? Facial grammar
Nodding and head shaking
Difference between live and from (culture)
Introductions (names) (culture)
Who is important for bringing French Sign language to America
Who is an important American man that helped establish the first Deaf School in America? Where? What is it know as today?
Unit 2
Use of Oh-I-See for feedback
Repeating in your responses
Understanding parameters (rules of signs) (lecture)
Unit 3
Verbs change movement to show meanings (help, show, tell, etc.)
Topic statements – eyebrows raised for topic and appropriate for comment
Signing excuse me and walking between speakers (culture)
Signs are in present time unless you state otherwise
Noun/verb pairs
Unit 4
Colors can appear before or after the noun
Compound sign: look-like
It is always appropriate to describe a person as they look (culture)
Unit 5
Verb pairs
Noun verb pairs
Getting Deaf people’s attention (culture)
Polite ways to ask for help: don’t mind, for me, and don’t care (lecture)
Unit 6
The difference between some noun/verb pairs (nouns are smaller/repeated verbs are larger/one movement)
The concept of all with day, morning, afternoon, evening and all night
Showing emotions
Negatives of like, know and want
Modals showing how something is done
Unit 7
Classifiers (be sure to review handout as well)
Classifiers concepts need to be memorized not labels
Number incorporation with min, week, month year
Unit 8
Use of finish
Bad joke
Just friends
All done
Stop it
Past tense
Pronoun and incorporation with numbers
2- of-you etc.
Unit 9
Use of numbers with age
Contraction signs
Story telling techniques
Unit 10
Every with days of the week and time
Directional verbs
Playing with fingerspelling
Unit 11
Use of run out and deplete
Negatives of modals
Concept of none
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