* Units 5 and 6 will be completed this week
*Storybook directions and study guide will be given on Wednesday
*Friday practice Exam covering Units 1-6
*Midterm will happen the 25th-29th. Monday will be the receptive portion, Wednesday and Friday will be the expressive portion (story book)
Student Request:
Today a student asked if I would consider allowing students the option of using the practice test grade in replace of the quizzes. This is something that I will do. You may either choose to use your three quiz scores that total 60 points or you may use the score you get on the practice exam, whichever is highest. This exam will be set up as our quizzes have been with multiple choice and fill in.
Instructor's Comments:
I know that many of you struggled with the quiz today but please keep in mind that I informed you what to study and only covered that unit. Additionally, I told you to focus on pg. 44 of your book (this is what I used on the quiz) to help you with topic statements. I also told you that the quizzes would start multiple choice but get harder as we go on.
I have asked the tutors to cover topics this week for your weekly assignment to help you with this concept. Tutors can also be visited for any questions you may have.
I will do all in my power to help you be successful in this course. Do keep in mind this course is challenging and I cannot make it easier. Please continue to study at home. This language requires at least 3 hours outside of class time. Quickly looking over units before quizzes will only result in lower scores. Languages are hard to learn and take time, motivation and dedication to master.
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