Can you imagine having a baby that was born deaf and have no knowledge of what to do or even how to deal with their deafness. When a child is born deaf, most hearing parents have no knowledge of sign language or that there is even a culture that exists. Parents are often devastated beyond belief and consumed with grief. They want their child to hear as they do, they want to sing them lullabies, they want read books to them, they want them to know their name, and they want them to talk. They fear they will never be able to bond properly with their child because a huge barrier is standing in their way, communication. They research for something to give their child the ability to hear.
We are seeing more and more deaf children being implanted with cochlear implants and oral methods being focused on rather than sign language and exposure to Deaf Culture. Often times, these parents are persuaded not to use sign with their children, as it will hinder their auditory and speech training. The Deaf community sees this as a tragedy and not allowing the child to know their true identity as a Deaf person.
When a baby is born deaf to Deaf parents, there is celebration and often relief. Learning your child is hearing, can be as devastating for deaf parents as it is when hearing parents learn that their child is deaf.
Cochlear implants are controversial for obvious reasons. The Deaf community does not like to see members of their community not to be given their right to be who they believe they truly are, Deaf.
Please watch this clip and post your comments. Be warned this video clip may cause very strong emotions. Please feel that your comments, whatever they may be are safe here and I wish you to discuss your feelings, thoughts, and opinions freely.
My Son Is Deaf, Finally! (Subtitled)comments.