Deaf people and sign language are sometimes displayed by the media. For this blog posting, I want you to view how the media portrays Deaf people. I have selected five commercials for you to watch. These commercials all use sign language as their primary communication method. I want you to watch there commercials and think about what message they are sending about Deaf Culture and Deaf people. Do you feel these commercials show the strengths of Deaf people and their language? Who were these commercials for? Did they reach both the hearing world and deaf world? Which commercial(s) do you think portrayed the best image of Deaf people and their culture? Which do you think portrayed the worst? Support your responses.
For the Pepsi commercial "Bob's House" view:
For the Kay Jeweler commercial view:
For the Thailand commercial view: (this is not signed in ASL)
For the Chinese Pantene commercial view: (these is not signed in ASL)
For the iphone commercial view:
Which of these commercials do you feel are based on Deaf folklore. In Deaf folklore being deaf allows the person to triumph or succeed. As a result of their deafness they are able to overcome an obstacle. How does this commercial portray that being Deaf allows triumph rather than defeat?
Feel Free to add any comments and questions that you wish. This blog is designed to be used for a class discussion. All comments, opinions, thoughts, ideas, and questions are welcome. Be sure to read all students postings and to comment on those as well. You must respond to at least 2 students.
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ReplyDeletebob's house- I think the was a clever commercial. I found myself trying to turn up my speakers on my computer just because I am so used to hearing commercials with sound so right away i think this commercial was aimed at the hearing world to show them kind of how it is or would be to be deaf.
ReplyDeleteKay- I think this was a cute commercial. I think one message it is trying to portray is that deaf people can find love and it can be just as happy as a relationship between two hearing people. I think some of the other commercials were better just because the commercial seemed a little distorted and cloudy but it was still a good commercial with a good message.
Thai- I thought this commercial wasnt really totally aimed for deaf people because the people in the commercial could hear but i liked how it started and again kind of gave showed that although theya re deaf they can still have a loving relationship and it doesnt make them any different from people who can hear. But then I realized they could hear so it almost makes me think that it was kind of against the deaf population because deaf people cant just choose to hear again...so it wasnt my favorite and probably portrayed the deaf culture the worst, to me.
pantene- I thought this commercail had a good message and was very inspirational. It definately showed the strength that deaf people have. I think the commercail was a litle bit over the top though. I am sure that deaf people probably are insulted and get teased because they cannot hear but I feel like that was pretty harsh and it might be trying to tell hearing people that deaf people are always treated like that. I thought It was a very good commercail though and it was really sad! I think this commercial also portrayed deaf folklore the best because it showed how this girl succeeded. The commercial was super long! Especially for a hair commercial!
iPhone- I really liked watching this commercial. I think this one is my favorite out of all of them. It wasnt overeggagerating the idea of being deaf and it showed how both hearing people and deaf people can use this iphone to their advantage. Loved it! I think this commercial portrays deaf people and their deaf culture the best!
For the Pepsi commercial it was referring to hearing and deaf people. Even though the two males were deaf, they overcame the obstacle of finding there deaf friends house by honking there car horn, hence the only house that dosn't turn on there lights would be there friends! I thought this commercial was good because it showed that just beucase your deaf, dosnt mean you can't solve a problem! It can realte to everyone, hearing and deaf people.
ReplyDeleteFor the Kay Jeweler commercial it showed both hearing and the deaf world. I thought they did a very good job on this commercial, because I thought it represented the hearing and deaf world politcally correct. I loved this commercial the most becuase it was touching and showed that deaf and hearing people can be together, you just have to communicate in a differnt way!
For the Thailand commercial, I thoguht it was good at first but then they twisted the commercial and I thought they put this commercial poorly together. It just made me mad, they should have just left the ending of the commercial out, because it ruined it and made me not wanna buy there product. But I did like how they displayed deaf and hearing people, it made the commercial cute and then humorous in the end, but I just didn't like this commercial.
For the Chinease Pantene commercial I thought was the most moving commercial. This commercial could realte to a hearing or deaf person becuase the message of the commercial is not to give up no matter what people say or do. I feel like this commercial was more towards deaf people though becuase it shows how in some things, deaf people have a harder time with, but just as long as you have passion and a big heart, you can accomplish anything! :)
For the iphone commercial it realted to deaf and hearing people. It showed that deaf and hearing people are the same, no different. People just have their own way of doing things, and just beucase its different dosnt mean its wrong or not normal.
Overall I thought the best commercial that displayed the deaf culture was the Chinease commercial because it was so powerful and hearing peopel could also relate to it. I thought teh worst commercial was the Thaliand commercial, just beucase I thoguht it could have been put toghether better in the ending.
Connie A :)
I feel that a majority of these commercials show the strengths of deaf people and their language. Specifically, I feel that “Kay Jewelers Commercial with ASL,” “Deaf Girl Playing Violin Commercial,” and “Apple iPhone 4 Face Time Commercial” were the strongest. In the “Kay Jewelers Commercial with ASL” the guy was attempting to sign for her, and he learned how to say “Merry Christmas.” The “Deaf Girl Playing Violin Commercial” was inspirational and showed that one doesn’t need to be able to hear in order to play an instrument. I think the Pepsi commercial was intended to be for the deaf community, because they signed throughout the whole commercial. The Kay Jewelers commercial showed a positive connection between both communities. The Thailand toothpaste commercial was intended to be funny, but I could see how the deaf community would find this commercial offensive. I thought that the Pantene commercial was the best, and it shows how anyone can overcome any obstacle in life. I believe this commercial was made for both the hearing and deaf community. This commercial portrayed the deaf community in a positive way. The iPhone commercial was also made for the hearing and deaf community. The iPhone makes communication easier for the deaf community by allowing video chatting. I feel that the Pepsi commercial did the worst job of portraying the deaf community. The Pantene commercial did the best job of portraying the deaf community. They expanded the message of the commercial and didn’t make the main focus of the commercial about shampoo. And I feel that is what helped make it so powerful.
I feel that these commercials were for the average hearing person not for the Deaf person. I feel that these commercials are trying to portray that Deaf people like everything that a hearing person does and I don’t feel that this is the truth. I don’t believe that the commercials showed any strenghths of the Deaf community and their language. For goodness sakes, the one for the apple phone had absolutely any signing in it at all. How can a commercial before the Deaf community if it doesn’t sign anything. If I have to pick the best one it would have to be the Kay Jeweler commercial because it was pleasant and sincere. I believe the worst one was that of the one by iphone. The Thailand commercial I believe is based on the Deaf folklores.
ReplyDeleteSo I already posted once, but I forgot to answer the last part of the questions and I don't know how to delet a post,so I am just going to post it again with the last little paragraph added.
ReplyDelete-Pepsi Commercial: I think Pepsi did a great job with this commercial. It shows how the deaf community can find a perfect solution to a problem in a hearing community. I also liked how it showed that the neighbors understood of the whole situation. It shows the acceptance of everyone. :)
-Kay Commercial: I really like this commercial because it shows shows that a relationship and love can be successful between a deaf and a hearing person. It is important for both communities for the fact that people need to understand that all obstacles can be overcome. I fully believe that this commercial was intended for both the deaf and hearing communities.
-Thailand Commercial: I am not too sure how I feel about this commercial. I thought it was all lovey dovey and cute at first, but then BAM!!!! They speak. What is that all about? I am not sure if that is a very polite commercial for the deaf community. I think it is definitely directed for the speaking community and I could see how this could be an offensive commercial to the deaf community.
-Chinese Pantene Commercial: All I can really say is WOW!! Not that I would know, but I believe this commercial really captures the hardships and obstacles a deaf person must overcome throughout life. It also shows that a deaf person can be just as successful in anything and can achieve anything that a hearing person can. I think this is more geared toward the hearing community though due to the fact that music is played throughout the whole commercial, but the concept can be grasped by both communities.
-Iphone Commercial: This is more for the hearing community, but this commercial does show that the deaf community can communicate over cell phones with the new face talk by apple.
-I feel that the Chinese Pantene commercial was the best in portraying the obstacles and hardships that the deaf must overcome. It was very moving and very inspiring. The Thailand Commercial was probably the worst one to portray anything about the deaf culture and it could be portrayed as very offensive.
1.Pepsi- I thought this commercial was directed towards both the hearing and the deaf communities. I liked how there was absolutely no sound on the commerical. It was also a funny commercial that got a message across about the deaf community.
ReplyDelete2.Kay- I think this commercial was a very cute and clever way of including the deaf community. It was a good way to show the obstacles that the deaf community overcomes. I think it was directed at both the hearing and the deaf communities.
3.Thailand- This commercial seemed somewhat offensive to the deaf community. In a way it seemed as though they were making fun of sign language and it was definitely directed towards the hearing community.
4.Pantene- This commercial was my favorite. It did a very good job of showing the obstacles that the deaf community has to overcome. It also showed that being deaf does not mean you can't succeed. I think this commercial could be directed at both communities but moreso the deaf community.
5.iPhone- This commercial was directed towards both the deaf and hearing communities. Although it only had a little bit of sign language at the end it did a great job of portraying how we use gestures and facial expressions to show what we are trying to say or what we feel. It also does a great job of showing how this phone could be a great tool for both communities.
For Bob's House I thought that this commercial was for both the deaf community and the hearing community. It was really cool how they used ASL communication the whole commercial and it was silent the whole time. It also reached the hearing community by throwing in humor and showing that deaf people can joke around and use their non-hearing to their advantage.
ReplyDeleteI feel like the Kay Jewler commercial was ment for both the hearing and deaf community, but i didn't feel that it did a good job of that. I felt that it was more for the hearing community because they didn't use much ASL communication and it had a lot of sound to it. For a positive it made a point on showing that deaf and hearing can have a strong relationship and that she was helping him learn the signs to hear language.
For the Thailand commercial I thought that it was a cute way to show ASL communication can come in handy for all kinds of people. I felt that it was for the hearing community more then the deaf community because it was making a point to not talk in the morning for bad breath and it had them talk.
The Pantene commercial was really deep in many ways. It was for the hearing community, but showing that deaf people can overcome the taunting just because they are different in a way. It showed that deaf people have just as much heart and skills as hearing people. It all comes from believing in yourself.
The iPhone commercial was for the hearing and deaf community in different parts. It was a commercial that tried to show how the phone helps different people in different ways. I think that is really cool that the phone gives the deaf community a way to have "face time." It shows a positive side of every kind of person.
All in all, I believe that the Pantene commercial showed the most deaf folklore. It showed lots of success and positives for the deaf community. The little girl in the commercial overcame a huge obstacle that a lot of people could never accomplish. It was very inspiring to both hearing and deaf communities.
I believe that all the commercials were geared toward both the deaf community and the hearing community. The first commercial was the only commercial I thought was offensive against the deaf community. It was funny, but at the same time making fun of someone who is deaf. In a weird way though it does show someone overcoming obstacles by using a method of elimination to figure out whose house they are at. In the second commercial it shows both the hearing and deaf community together. They both love each other and try to communicate to each other in a way that is hard for them both. The man tries to sign his love to her and the woman tries to speak to him. This shows overcoming obstacles very well. The 3rd commercial I thought was portrayed to both communities because it showed two hearing people using sign language even though they didn’t have to. The commercial was cute without poking fun at the deaf community, rather to the fact that you have bad breath in the morning. In the Pantene commercial it was very inspirational to any community. The commercial focused on how she did all she could to learn music and that being deaf did not make her different, she just had to learn different. This commercial gave a very good image to the deaf community. The last commercial about the iphone did not really portray anything about the deaf community. This commercial was a little bit more to hearing community. When the woman signed to the man you couldn’t even see all of her hand anyways. I believe they did not really pay too much attention on how realistic that commercial was to the deaf community.
ReplyDeletePepsi Commercial:
ReplyDeleteI thought this commercial was funny. This commercial makes it seem like deaf people dont care about other people around them, but it also shows that deaf people can overcome their problems just in different ways as people that can hear would.This commercial was portrayed toward both deaf and hearing communities.
Kay Commercial:
This commercial showed that a relationship between a deaf person and a hearing person can work out, they just have to figure out their own way to communicate with eachother. I think that this commercial best displayed deaf people and their culture. This commercial was portrayed towards both communities
Thailand commercial:
I didnt like this commercial because it seemed offensive toward the deaf community. This commercial showed a bad image of the deaf community, acting like it would be easy to be deaf. This commercial is portayed towards hearing people.
I liked this commercial because it showed that both the deaf and the hearing people are able to communicate through the face talk by apple.This commercial was for both communities
I didnt like this commercial because it showed that hearing people dont think that deaf people can do everything that hearing people can.But this commercial showed that deaf people can overcome adversity as well as anyone can.This commercial was portrayed for deaf people.
First of all, I believe that all these commercials had good intentions. They may not have always appeared in that way. I am just beginning to learn more about the deaf community, and I think the key to creating a commercial made for both hearing and deaf culture one must learn and research.
ReplyDeleteQuestion One: The first video “Bob’s House” definitely had a sense of humor to it, but that is not to say all people within the deaf community have the same sense of humor. The pantene commercial showed strength, but I had a very hard time connecting a deaf person playing the violin with great hair. Either way, this commercial showed a young deaf girl overcoming the “impossible.” I do believe it was a bit over the top though. I think the commercial that did the least to show the strengths of the deaf culture was the Thailand video.
Question Two/Three: I think all commercials unfortunately will always be for the hearing world. It is wrong, but companies and corporations will always market toward the majority. All of the commercials attempted to reach both the hearing and deaf cultures, but I’m not sure they all did successfully.
Question Four/Five: I think the commercial that best portrayed the deaf community would have been the iPod commercial if it had been extended a bit longer. Maybe if they had intermixed it with the hearing culture’s parts. I think the video that portrayed it the worst was the Thailand one. I just didn’t feel a connection to the deaf community through it.
Again, I am not an expert and I am just learning, but from what I do know this is what I had picked up on. I do not believe ANY industry will sell something not focused on a majority. That also comes to anything from the deaf culture to race. It is unfortunate, but very true…
The Pepsi Commercial I feel is more geared toward the deaf population, in making fun of the hearing people by waking them up at night to find their friend Bob’s house. Where as the hearing population would find this amusing also, but if it really happened, I don’t think people would be too happy. The Kay Jeweler commercial, I believe it reaches to the hearing and the deaf populations because the man is trying to hard to communicate well with his lady friend and she is also very supportive of his learning it seems to be. I honesty don’t know how I feel about the Thailand commercial with the bad morning breath. I feel this commercial is more for the hearing world then it is for the deaf world, because they only sign to each other when they have bad breath. The girl playing the violin was my favorite commercial out of all of these; this is not only inspiring I feel but also shows that no matter what is in the way people can still be successful no matter what. This commercial is the best example of deaf folklore, because she can play the violin very well even though she can’t hear. I also like the Apple Face time commercial, because it is appealing to both the hearing and deaf worlds. This shows that today’s technology is user friendly to everyone. I would say the apple face time commercial is the best portrayal of the deaf culture, because they are like the rest of us and enjoy being able to talk to people no matter where they are in the world.
ReplyDeleteContinuing in my response about the deaf folklore. I think the commercial that portrayed deaf forklore the best was the Pepsi commercial. In the commercial the two guys wouldn't have been able to find the house of their friend if the friend wasn't deaf. This commercial truly sent the message that being deaf is an advantage to many circumstances.
ReplyDeletePepsi Commercial- The Strengths this commercial gives is shown through the way they communicate. They are driving as well as signing and when they cant find the house they use an efficient and yet humorous way of determining which house his is. I believe the commercial was more for the hearing to show how the deaf and the hearing both have the same abilities. I think this commercial reached both worlds and that both would have seen this commercial as a funny commercial.
ReplyDeleteKay Jeweler- This commercials strength was showing the public how beautiful ASL and deaf culture is. I believe the commercial was for both the hearing and the deaf the way they displayed the communication to show there love which is shown by everyone in the world in any language. This is one of the better portrayed commercials the way it shows asl and deaf culture and relates to everyone.
Thailand Commercial- I thought this commercial was creatively made, but might be the worst portrayed commercial. it give off the vibe that they are only using sign language as a secondary way of communicating because they were afraid to talk face to face.
Chinese Pantene commercial- I think this is the best portrayed commercial out of them all. It shows that no matter what abilities you are given you can always do something great if you are willing to work at it. This reached out to both the deaf and hearing world. This commercial was based on deaf folklore, but it was made it in such a way that brings out the best in someone no matter what your abilities. There is the ability to hear, and then there is the ability to hear nothing. Both are beautiful abilities.
Iphone commercial- This commercial seems to be more based on new technology. It displays communication in both worlds by using the same technologies, but i just don't think the commercial doesn't do much for anyone besides show a new phone. One of the bad portrayed commercials. It does show how apple is trying to help the entire world an many different cultures.
Bob’s House
ReplyDeleteI thought this commercial had a very good sense of humor. It shows that the deaf population is proud of their culture and are not afraid to flaunt it. This commercial would appeal to a wide audience. They reached out to both the deaf and hearing population because of the constant signing and sub captions.
Kay Jeweler
This commercial also appealed to both the hearing and deaf world. It did a good job of not making deaf people seem like they are completely different than the hearing community. I felt this commercial had a very uplifting meaning for both deaf and hearing people. It also showed how hard the man was working to fit into his deaf fiance’s world instead of just expecting her to fit in with the hearing community.
Thailand Commercial
I do not think this represented the deaf community and their culture well. By having the actors only sign to avoid bad breath does not fully embrace the deaf culture as the main means of communication. I think this commercial only reaches for the hearing community.
Pantene Commercial
This was also a very good uplifting commercial. The young girl overcomes everyone trying to cut her down while she was trying to reach her dreams. It appeals to both deaf and hearing people because of its inspiring story. The fact that she proved everyone wrong and it showed both her ups and her downs may seriously encourage many people, no matter their disability.
This commercial did not necessarily point out strengths in the deaf culture. However, they did do a good job of advertising their product and how it could be very beneficial to many different people. This commercial is made for both deaf and hearing.
. Do you feel these commercials show the strengths of Deaf people and their language?
ReplyDeleteI feel as though some of the commercials showed some great strengths. The Pepsi commercial was very clever and I feel portrayed the Deaf culture in a respectful way. It definitely had lots of folklore in it. I do not feel it was in anyway disrespectful of the Deaf culture. I was extremely offended by the Kay Jewelers commercial, I think the idea was great, but if someone could explain the awkward robot voice, that makes her sound mentally challenged I would really appreciate that. I was absolutely shocked by the way that she was portrayed.
Who were these commercials for?
The commercials appealed to both the hearing and the Deal cultures. I feel that the commercials would help the hearing world get a glimpse of the Deal world. Many people are under the assumption that being deaf is a bad thing. Having these commercials shows different ways that deaf people can overcome these stereotypes. It also helps hearing people see that a deaf person is equally as capable of doing different tasks.
Did they reach both the hearing world and deaf world?
Some commercials reached the hearing world better than the deaf and vice versa. I think the Pepsi commercial reached more deaf people than hearing. The signing was fast and the lighting was poor. If they truly wanted to impact the hearing culture they would have had much better lighting and they would have had the men sign slower. The commercial still had a big impact on both cultures. The Thai commercial used signing as a way to avoid bad breath. It had a cute message, but it did not open up hearing people's eyes to the deaf culture. The Pantene commercial definitely showed what obstacles some deaf people have to overcome in a predominantly hearing world.
Which commercial(s) do you think portrayed the best image of Deaf people and their culture? Which do you think portrayed the worst? Support your responses.
I feel the 2 strongest commercials were the Pantene commercial and the Pepsi commercial. The Pantene commercial was encouraging to anyone, whether you were deaf or hearing. It was motivating to see the young girl struggling with a mainstream music education and to see her succeed. The Pepsi commercial was probably more impactful on the hearing culture more than it was on the deaf culture, so many hearing people are ignorant of the deaf culture that it may open their eyes to the different perks being deaf has! I thought the iPhone 4 commercial had a good idea, but that they needed to expand on it a little bit more. They had so many emotion filled clips prior to the signing, they should have figured out an emotional event that could have been signed.
As I had said before the voice in the Kay Jewelers commercial is horribly offensive to me. Why they would ever think to put a robotic man voice in that commercial is beyond me. That only makes people believe that all deaf people sound like that, which isn't correct. Swing and a miss Kay... Swing and a miss.
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ReplyDeleteJmattso2: I agree the Pepsi commercial portrays being Deaf as an advantage, do you think the reason for this is that it was likely made by people in the Deaf culture?
ReplyDeletePepsi- I don’t think this commercial shows the strengths of deaf people. I believe that it is assuming that because that one guy in the truck is deaf that his friend Bob must also be deaf. If that’s the case then pepsi is making a generalization that deaf people only communicate with other people that are deaf. I believe that is an unfair assessment. I think that this commercial is meant for the deaf world. There is no sound in the commercial at all and the only language that is used is sign language.
ReplyDeleteKay Jeweler-I believe this commercial is for both the hearing world and the deaf world. They use sign language but they also speak too so in that way I believe they are reaching both worlds. This commercial shows people a way that deaf people communicate, and that is through sign language. This commercial shows that a deaf person and a hearing person can communicate with one another and be happy. I believe that Kay Jeweler tries to show people how normal deaf people can be. They do this by showing people that deaf people have relationships and that they celebrate holidays just like everybody else. The only bad thing I would say about this commercial is that it assumes that all deaf people can’t speak clearly.
Thailand commercial- I think this commercial does a good job showing people sign language. Most of the commercial uses sign language. I think this commercial reaches both the hearing world and the deaf world. The commercial has captions for people who don’t understand sign language and at the end they have a spokesperson promoting their product. I don’t know if this commercial showed the strengths of the deaf community though. The commercial only has this couple communicating with each other through sign language about who should go first. I didn’t really notice any other strengths in this commercial. I think this commercial and the Pepsi commercial probably do the worst job at portraying an accurate description of the deaf community.
Chinese Pantene- I think this commercial does a good job at showing people what the deaf community is like. This commercial shows people how deaf people have struggles. This commercial shows how a deaf girl wanted to play the violin but people kept telling her that she couldn’t and even made fun of her for trying. Some people think that deaf people can’t do everything a normal person can but they are wrong. This commercial shows people that deaf people can do anything hearing people can do. I believe this commercial tells people to just be yourself and not somebody else. I think this commercial reaches out to both the hearing world and the deaf world. There are certain messages in this commercial that can be beneficial to both the hearing world and the deaf world. The one negative thing I would say about this commercial is that it portrays that deaf people can’t speak. This could lead to stereotyping. I believe that this commercial uses deaf folklore. It portrays an image of success or triumph over defeat. The deaf girl withstood all obstacles that were in her way and in the end she not only learned to play the violin but she learned to play it very well.
Iphone- I think this commercial is a good commercial. It shows people how their product can be used. It shows that even deaf can use their new iphones. I think this commercial shows people that deaf people are just like everybody else. They can do the same things as hearing people. The commercial shows people how deaf people can communicate and that they have relationships just like everybody else. Being deaf doesn’t hold people back from living normal lives. This commercial is for both the deaf and hearing people. This commercial does a good job at bringing together people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, gender, and cultures. It reaches out to women, men, mothers, fathers, deaf people, hearing people, and people of different ethnicities.
Bob’s House:
ReplyDeleteI think this commercial shows the strengths of Deaf people, I think it portrays them in a way that does not make them look weak, they are not trying to get pity or sympathy with this commercial. I think the commercial reaches both worlds; it has a humorous tone to it that is relatable in both worlds. I thought this commercial portrayed the best image of Deaf people. They are not overcoming any great odds and are actually shown for what they are; normal. The two men have an argument like any two hearing men would and in the end being Deaf has a humorous benefit to it, just like Deaf people don’t have to listen to elevator music.
Kay Jeweler’s:
I didn’t much care for this commercial, though it doesn’t show the Deaf culture in a weak light I felt the assumption that Deaf people have trouble with speech was a little too distracting. I think this commercial targets the hearing world over the Deaf world. I did like the fact that the woman’s boyfriend was trying to sign to her and she was speaking to him, which could be viewed as hearing and Deaf cultures trying to connect with each other.
I thought the Apple commercial was best relatable to both hearing and Deaf cultures, I thought it did not reflect the Deaf culture in a strong or weak fashion. Instead I thought it was very neutral to both.
This commercial is the one I felt portrayed Deaf folklore. It shows the little girl being allowed to over-come the odds and triumph. Though it is a moving commercial I don’t think it shows the strengths of the Deaf culture and instead begs for sympathy.
At first I liked this commercial and at the end I thought it was a humorous twist that neither makes the Deaf community look weak or strong, since it isn’t in fact two Deaf people. I think this commercial was made for hearing and would only reach the hearing world.
Pepsi Commercial- What I thought about the Pepsi commercial was that it was kind of funny but also a good out look on how the deaf community responds and communicates with each other while in real situations such as being in a car. I also think that the commercial reflected both the hearing and deaf community by the humor that was involved in it.
ReplyDeleteKay Jeweler- This commercials strength was how two people can show how much each other love one another in both worlds. I remember seeing this commercial during Christmas time and it always makes me think of my sister friend who dated a guy that was deaf. So from that I think it is a really special commercial and it shows how much both the hearing and the deaf community can love each other.
Thailand Commercial- I really didn’t like this commercial at all I thought it was a poorly made excise to use sign language instead of talking to each other because they both "might" have bad morning breath.
Chinese Pantene commercial- I think this is the best portrayed commercial out of them all. It shows that nothing can stop you from you doing something great in life. This commercial really made me think of all the things I’m good at and what other people are able to do if they give things a shot and don’t let anything get in their way. So overall I think it reached out to both the deaf and hearing world.
I phone commercial- This commercial how both worlds can communicate with each other with the new technology that is coming out these days. Although I think that the I phone is a great phone I just don’t see many deaf people using it unless they have cochlear implant surgery and can sign and talk. Overall this one is another bad portrayed commercial.
I thought the Pepsi commercial was a pretty good commercial. I think it was geared toward both Deaf and hearing people. I really liked how there was no sound at all throughout the commercial. It made me think about how a Deaf person would perceive it, as well as how affective it would be at capturing the attention of viewers who would notice the silence.
ReplyDeleteI really disliked the Kay commercial. Having a hearing man trying to learn sign language to be able to communicate with a woman that he loves was a nice thought but I really disliked how the commercial made her voice sound. I do not know a lot about Deaf culture but simply from what I learned from our teacher some people who are Deaf speak perfectly so I found her speech some what stereotypical. As someone else wrote I also disliked how there was not subtitles on the entire commercial which did not seem to be geared toward Deaf people.
In the beginning of the toothpaste commercial I thought it was doing such a great job of showing a couple in which one or maybe both were Deaf yet they were completely overcoming it and communicating perfectly. As the commercial went on it shocked me to see that they simply didn't want to talk because of bad breath. It seemed stupid and somewhat insensitive but I guess it was a creative way to deal with stinky breathe.
I think the Pantene commercial was for those that are Deaf and those that are hearing. It was definitely based on Deaf folklore and gave an excellent message to any person who may be different or face challenges in their life.
I think the iphone commercial did a nice job of trying to make their product work for everyone. It is marketing both the hearing and non-hearing individuals that want cell phones. The commercial was not specifically geared toward Deaf people it was just trying to show how great their product is and how it can enhance communication.
pepsi- I thought the introduction to this commercial was a little much. I feel like it wasn't necessary and instead of trying to be inclusive of the deaf community made it sound like Pepsi was selfishly promoting themselves. That being said I actually really liked the commercial. They didn't portray the two deaf men as being impaired (at least not any more than a normal man with directions is haha) they instead portrayed them as your average guy trying to get to his buddy's house to watch the big game. It was also humorous and I didn't feel like others do that it was making fun of being deaf. My only complaint is that the signing was sort of hidden so I would have to assume this commercial was largely directed at the hearing community.
ReplyDeletekay jewelers- I feel like this commercial really exaggerated communication difficulties. It kind of made me mad. Even though the man was obviously 'the impaired one' in the commercial since he was struggling so bad. I feel like the commercial would've been better and much cuter if he could sign well and the commercial was all in sign language with just English subtitles. And if he would've gotten her something better.
Apple- This commercial barely had any sign language but I thought it was a nice portrayal of a deaf couple. The commercial as a whole was definitely directed more so at the hearing world but shows how the deaf community can also use the product.
Pantene- I didn't even realize what this commercial was for until the very end. I thought it told a nice story. I'm not sure I would focus it on either the deaf or hearing community but instead I think it would target anyone who ever felt different or singled out or bullied for something (if that makes sense?) It told the classic story of achieving dreams in the face of adversity.
Mouthwash- At first I thought it was so cute until I realized they were only signing cause they thought each other had smelly breath. One one hand it was neat that it portrayed hearing people knowing sign language as normal and useful but on the other hand it almost made signing seem like a joke. I think the commercial was definitely intended for the hearing world.
Pepsi Commercial-This commercial presented the hearing people with an everyday situation that can happen between deaf people and hearing people. It shows that an arguement can be settled by deaf people just as effective as people who can hear. The strengths exibited by these two men is humorous and also unique in their own way. They deal with problems and solve them just as easily as any hearing people can.
ReplyDeleteKay Jeweler-This commercial displayed love between a man and a woman despite their difference. I don't really see how this commercial targets deaf individuals. It sends a strong message because the man is making a valid attempt at communicating with the woman.
Mouthwash-Not going to lie, this commercial made me rather angry. The two individuals in this commercial (through my eyes) were disrespectful to the deaf's means of communicating. I guess abusing is the proper term for it.
Pantene-This commercial sent a powerful message to deaf and hearing people. Even though the girl could not hear, that did not stop her dream of playing the violin. Even though she was made fun of and harrassed, she did not give up.
Face Time-This looks like it is very similar to Skype, but even so, deaf people have the same ability to use the same technology as people who can hear and getting the same effect out of it.
Chinese Pantene Commercial:
ReplyDeleteI thought that this commercial was extremely powerful and really brought out the message that even if people tell you that you are not capable of doing something, do it anyway and you will succeed. I feel as if this represents stereotypes about Deaf individuals from viewing being Deaf as a disability, for the prefix dis meaning lack of or not combined with the word ability. This commercial defeats this stereotype by first implying that a Deaf person will not be able to play music that is enjoyable to the hearing world-thus indicating the lack of ability to play music. This commercial blew away that stereotype and also makes you come to the conclusion that every single person experiences music in a different way. I feel as if this commercial was made for both the hearing and the Deaf world for the aforementioned reasons. I feel as if this commercial is a prime example of Deaf folklore, where being Deaf she discovered that she can experience music (by using much more than hearing but actually closing her eyes and seeing the music as well as using other senses), even when told on several occasions that she would never be able to. I feel as if this commercial reaches both the hearing and the Deaf community by inspiration of the story and proving that you can break down stereotypes and succeed at anything.
I think that this commercial represents the best represented the image of Deaf people and it really breaks down the stereotype that being Deaf is a disability and that it should hinder a person from doing what they want. My favorite quote in the video is after the girl says, “Why am I not like the others,” and the old man reply’s, “Why do you have to be like the others?”
And if you are wondering, I am disappointed that this is a hair commercial because it could have been so much more meaningful!
iPhone Commercial:
I feel as if the message of this commercial is that an iPhone can be used by anyone and everyone. I think that this commercial reached both the hearing and the Deaf population and I think the iPhone commercial did a good job at showing that there are so many different events and different moments that need to be captured and that can be shared using this technology. In this commercial the iPhone represents Deaf folklore by allowing a Deaf person have visual contact and use sign language to communicate via telephone.
I really don't think that any of these commercials were geared toward deaf people. I was really offended by the tooth paste one because I felt that they were almost making fun of deaf people. They were signing only because they didn't want to smell each other's breath.I thought that the best one to portray the deaf community would maybe be Bob's House. It was comical but those two deaf men didn't seem to mind having to honk. In the end they laughed about it. The worst was the Apple commercial. There was only one or two sings in the whole thing and it just didn't really seem to be about or connect with the deaf community. The Pantene commercial was the one I identified with the deaf folklore idea. It was almost like a cheesy Lifetime movie. I didn't find it realistic at all and like you said Monica, it was like she succeeded because she was deaf and not because she had a lot of skill or practiced a lot. All in all I felt that these commercials were written and produced by the hearing community in an effort to reach both hearing and non but because they were made by hearing people, they didn't accurately portray the deaf community and therefore did not do a very good job getting their point across.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Bailey’s comment about Kay Jewelers Commercial and I loved how she worded it:“the man was working to fit his deaf fiance’s world instead of just expecting her to fit in with the hearing community.” I believe that the Kay Jeweler Commercial did the best at combining the hearing and the Deaf world in a natural way. I also agree with her explanation of the Thailand commercial as well and it brought a new perspective. Simply communication via sign language does not necessarily always represent and embrace Deaf Culture. Sign language is a form of communication with emotions, feeling, and passion, making this commercial only apply to the hearing world because the emotion, feeling, and passion wouldn’t very well interest or represent the Deaf culture.
ReplyDeleteI like Sarah's comment on the "Bob's House" commercial. I agree that it is a good portrayal of the deaf community. I like that this commercial is humurous to both the hearing and deaf worlds. I also agree with Sarah that this commercial shows the two deaf people as just normal people. It does a good job of showing how deaf people are just like hearing people in the way that they argue the same and they solve problems the same way. I also liked the way Sarah said the Apple commercial was "neutral for both" worlds.