Monday, October 18, 2010

ASL 1101-002(9:00) Blog #7: Cochlear Implants From a Deaf Perspective

Can you imagine having a baby that was born deaf and have no knowledge of what to do or even how to deal with their deafness. When a child is born deaf, most hearing parents have no knowledge of sign language or that there is even a culture that exists. Parents are often devastated beyond belief and consumed with grief. They want their child to hear as they do, they want to sing them lullabies, they want read books to them, they want them to know their name, and they want them to talk. They fear they will never be able to bond properly with their child because a huge barrier is standing in their way, communication. They research for something to give their child the ability to hear.

We are seeing more and more deaf children being implanted with cochlear implants and oral methods being focused on rather than sign language and exposure to Deaf Culture. Often times, these parents are persuaded not to use sign with their children, as it will hinder their auditory and speech training. The Deaf community sees this as a tragedy and not allowing the child to know their true identity as a Deaf person.

When a baby is born deaf to Deaf parents, there is celebration and often relief. Learning your child is hearing, can be as devastating for deaf parents as it is when hearing parents learn that their child is deaf.

Cochlear implants are controversial for obvious reasons. The Deaf community does not like to see members of their community not to be given their right to be who they believe they truly are, Deaf.

Please watch this clip and post your comments. Be warned this video clip may cause very strong emotions. Please feel that your comments, whatever they may be are safe here and I wish you to discuss your feelings, thoughts, and opinions freely.

My Son Is Deaf, Finally! (Subtitled)comments.

ASL 1101-001 (8:00) Blog #7: Cochlear Implants From a Deaf Perspective

Can you imagine having a baby that was born deaf and have no knowledge of what to do or even how to deal with their deafness. When a child is born deaf, most hearing parents have no knowledge of sign language or that there is even a culture that exists. Parents are often devastated beyond belief and consumed with grief. They want their child to hear as they do, they want to sing them lullabies, they want read books to them, they want them to know their name, and they want them to talk. They fear they will never be able to bond properly with their child because a huge barrier is standing in their way, communication. They research for something to give their child the ability to hear.

We are seeing more and more deaf children being implanted with cochlear implants and oral methods being focused on rather than sign language and exposure to Deaf Culture. Often times, these parents are persuaded not to use sign with their children, as it will hinder their auditory and speech training. The Deaf community sees this as a tragedy and not allowing the child to know their true identity as a Deaf person.

When a baby is born deaf to Deaf parents, there is celebration and often relief. Learning your child is hearing, can be as devastating for deaf parents as it is when hearing parents learn that their child is deaf.

Cochlear implants are controversial for obvious reasons. The Deaf community does not like to see members of their community not to be given their right to be who they believe they truly are, Deaf.

Please watch this clip and post your comments. Be warned this video clip may cause very strong emotions. Please feel that your comments, whatever they may be are safe here and I wish you to discuss your feelings, thoughts, and opinions freely.

My Son Is Deaf, Finally! (Subtitled)comments.

How are you doing? Total Points in ASL 1101-001 or 002 ( revised)

I have made some changes. Please be advised.

We have completed our weekly quizzes and practice exam (60 points) for this term. Our blog will be finished at the end of this week (70 points). Finally tutoring for this term will wrap up October 29th (60 points).

Please be sure to plan accordingly for your exams. There are two. The receptive and written midterm will take place on Monday, October 25th. The exam will take the entire class period. Students may sign up for additional tutoring this week if necessary. We will watch our ABC storybooks on Wednesday, October 27th or Friday, October 29th. All students will need to complete their assignment by October 25th.

****Grades and Responsibilities****
Attendance: Unexcused absences will result in a lower grade

# Unexcused absences = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Attendance Score = 100 95 90 86 82 77 73 68 64 60 55 50

Tutor Session: 60 points (15%)
• Attend tutoring weekly and complete assignment= ?/60 pts

Assignments: 70 points (16%)
• Weekly Blog= ?/70 pts

Quizzes/Practice Exam = 60 points (15%)
• MONDAY QUIZZES 1-3: quizzes on information covered in class. =(20 points each)= ?/60 points
• Practice EXAM #1:Comprehensive Receptive and Written (Units 1-6) = ?/60 pts


Exams = 200 points (54%)
• EXAM #2: Comprehensive Receptive and Written exam (Units 1-7) = 100 pts (27%)
• EXAM #3: Expressive Final/ABC Story Book (Units 1-7) = 100 pts (27%)

Total points: ?/390 (100%)

A+ 97-100 A 93-96 A- 90-92
B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82
C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72
D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D- 60-62
F Below

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Midterm Study Guide Units 1-7 and Storybook Assignment

This is for your Midterm not practice exam.

Study Guide for Receptive and Written Midterm
Units 1-7

*The Receptive and Written Exam will cover units 1-7 and all information covered in class. This includes information that was not in your book (lectures, films, media clips). There will be specific sections on the exam. These sections are:

•Vocabulary section
•Grammar section (be able to identify specific grammar)(wh?, yes/no?, topics, modals, directional verbs, noun/verb pairs, verb pairs etc.) answer specific questions
•Parameters section testing your vocab knowledge
• Structure, grammar, and culture (True & false, fill in, essay and multiple choice)
• Classifier section: Be sure to be able to identify the concept of a classifier

Half of the exam will be live (instructor will be signing). The other half will be written questions.

*For all units, be sure to read all grammar and culture notes in your book, review sentence structure and grammar, and review your vocabulary. I recommend studying with a group or a partner. You may want to give each other practice exams. What is listed below is important for the exam.

Film: Through Deaf Eyes

Unit 1
Yes/no? Facial grammar
Wh? Facial grammar
Nodding and head shaking
Difference between live and from (culture)
Introductions (names) (culture)
Who is important for bringing French Sign language to America
Who is an important American man that helped establish the first Deaf School in America? Where? What is it know as today?

Unit 2
Use of Oh-I-See for feedback
Repeating in your responses
Understanding parameters (rules of signs) (lecture)

Unit 3
Verbs change movement to show meanings (help, show, tell, etc.)
Topic statements – eyebrows raised for topic and appropriate for comment
Signing excuse me and walking between speakers (culture)
Signs are in present time unless you state otherwise
Noun/verb pairs

Unit 4
Colors can appear before or after the noun
Compound sign: look-like
It is always appropriate to describe a person as they look (culture)

Unit 5
Verb pairs
Noun verb pairs
Getting Deaf people’s attention (culture)
Polite ways to ask for help: don’t mind, for me, and don’t care (lecture)

Unit 6
The difference between some noun/verb pairs (nouns are smaller/repeated verbs are larger/one movement)
The concept of all with day, morning, afternoon, evening and all night
Showing emotions
Negatives of like, know and want
Modals showing how something is done

Unit 7
Classifiers concepts need to be memorized not labels
Number incorporation with min, week, month year

***ABC Storybook/Expressive Midterm****
Students will work in groups of 2 to 6 students and create an ABC story. Youtube has an abundance of ABC stories that you can watch. The midterm is part of the development process of learning ASL. It works on clarity of handshapes, facial expression, body language, spacial location, and creating comfort in signing a visual language.

-Each student needs to equally participate and sign (you may take turns or sign it together)
-Each letter needs to be clearly defined
-Facial Expression, body language and use of space must be displayed
-Stories must display creativity and imagination
-The story must make sense, letters must work together to form a story and story must flow smoothly
-The story must be recorded
-Feel free to be as creative as you would like! You may use props, dress up, and include special effects. Just be sure these additions do not hinder our viewing.
-The story needs to be at least 3 minutes in length

Example of how to put a story together:

Witches Brew

Each student is dressed as a witch, a large pot is in front of all of you. Each students takes turn adding to the pot using different ABC's. As the potion brews things rise out of the pot. Each student takes a turn showing what rises out of the pot using the ABC's.

Best of luck! Enjoy and have fun!

Weekly Announcements October 13, 2010..Extra Credit Opportunites listed!

October 11, 2010
ASL 1101
Agenda Week #6

Facial Grammar

• Topic placement
o Look for what the sentence is about and place that first
• Tactfulness
o If the sentence contains something with tact such as please, sorry, don’t mind, for-me excuse me place this even before the topic

Tutor’s Comments:

The tutors informed me that students need to review and study more at home.


• Unit 5&6

Some Vocabulary Helpful Hints
• WARM looks like your breath on a cold day outside
• OWE-ME is repeated and not directional
• GARBAGE and BAG are the same sign
• SHOULD (repeat) and MUST (one) have different movements
• WOW can be for positives or negatives
• TEST means questions on paper
• HUNGRY is only one movement
• SICK can be signed one or two handed
• LATE is only one movement NOT-YET is repeated
• HOW (from text) and HOW (wiggle)???? are signed differently

Grammar Concepts:

Concept of All
• Exaggerate and slower movement
a. Day
b. Morning
c. Afternoon
d. Night
e. Evening

Modals (this has not be discussed in class yet. Be sure to read your text)

• The concept of modal verbs (helping verbs) is essentially the same in ASL and English. In ASL the modal always comes before, after, or before and after the other verbs in the sentence. However, in English it is the very first verb.

a. English: I can go to the store for you.

Negatives of Like, Want, and Know
• Twist sign away from body

Expressing Negative Feelings
• Use of NOT
a. NOT can be placed before or after the adjective
b. Placing NOT at the end of the sentence creates emphasis

Topic Placement:

• Be sure to place topics first when creating sentences without subject, objects and verbs

ASL is Set up in Present Time

• ASL is always set up in present time unless you use a tense indicator (this will come later)

All Class Activity

• Complete dialogues from the unit 5

• Watch your DVD at home or with the tutor (It is very important that you see other signers besides me)

Feedback from All Class Activity

• You still need to make better eye contact. Do not sign to the book! Sign with your group mates!
• Watch your parameters (location, movement, handshape, and palm orientation)
• Do not sign weak or too hard.
• There is still a lot of discussion about what we are doing. Try to stop this and focus on the signing instead.
• Continue to think in ASL, see the signs do not say them either vocally or in your head!
• Facial grammar for WHQ, Yes and NoQ, and affirmative or negative is lacking, you must have your eyebrows downward.
• Look at their face not their hand (this takes practice).
• Do not mouth everything or talk everything through.
• Be sure NOT to lean forward when signing topics.
• Be patient it takes time! Sentence translation is very hard in the beginning it will come with time and practice

• Practice Test on Friday, October 15, 2010. You may use this score in replace of your quizzes.
• Blog Assignment #6
o Second Comment needs to comment on my post by Thursday at 12:00am
o Be sure to comment in your section ASL 1101-001 or 002
• Tutoring
o Abby has had interviews in the Twin Cities this week but she will be back for tutoring on Thursday
o Attend tutoring and complete the weekly assignment #6

Extra Credit (10 extra credit points)attend an event and write a one page reflection)

-UMD Drag Show

October 16th @ 7:00 in the Kirby Ballroom. Tickets are on sale at the door for $3.00.

-UMD Theatre: South Pacific

October 24, 2010 @ 2 pm
Mainstage Theater,
Contact University of Minnesota Duluth, Department of Theatre Marshall Performing Arts Center 141
1215 Ordean Court Duluth, MN 55812-3008 726-8562 or 726-8778

-CSS American Sign Language and Deaf Culture Club
contact: Becky Lund
Nov 3rd @ 7pm in Tower 3410

Monday, October 11, 2010

ASL 1101-002 (9:00) Blog #6: ABC stories


A treasured part of the heritage of the Deaf Community is their language, ASL. It is, as with any culture, an important part of their identity. One of the fun and special traditions enjoyed and shared by the Deaf Community is signing stories using Number or Alphabet hand shapes. In these stories, various hand shapes do not stand for the numbers and letters themselves, but are used as signs or gestures to convey concepts. They are signed in alphabetical or numerical order, and used in amazing ways to sign or act out a story.

I want you to watch these ABC stories that I have chosen for you. The first story that I have selected shows how each letter is used to develop the story and you can see on the screen the letter as the signer uses it. Keep in mind these handshapes represent things, not the letters! The other two clips you must follow on your own. On Monday I am going to ask you to create your own ABC story! Story telling is a huge part of the culture and I wish to expose you to the many ways story telling is used. This will also allow you to learn how to better incorporate body langauge, mime, and facial expressions into your signing which are all important in your development of learning ASL. Not only that, you will be able to participate in a special fun tradition shared by Deaf people.

After you have viewed the videoclips, I want you to discuss these amazing stories with your ASL sisters and brothers (classmates). What did you think of them? What was easy for you to understand? Difficult? What fascinated you? What was inspiring? What can you compare this to in English?

Now think about traditions in your own families (think about your hertiage, culture, religon etc.)that are important to you and why. Also, what traditions are important to the American Culture? Compare and Contrast this to ABC stories in Deaf Culture.

Week 6: Announcements


* Units 5 and 6 will be completed this week

*Storybook directions and study guide will be given on Wednesday

*Friday practice Exam covering Units 1-6

*Midterm will happen the 25th-29th. Monday will be the receptive portion, Wednesday and Friday will be the expressive portion (story book)

Student Request:

Today a student asked if I would consider allowing students the option of using the practice test grade in replace of the quizzes. This is something that I will do. You may either choose to use your three quiz scores that total 60 points or you may use the score you get on the practice exam, whichever is highest. This exam will be set up as our quizzes have been with multiple choice and fill in.

Instructor's Comments:

I know that many of you struggled with the quiz today but please keep in mind that I informed you what to study and only covered that unit. Additionally, I told you to focus on pg. 44 of your book (this is what I used on the quiz) to help you with topic statements. I also told you that the quizzes would start multiple choice but get harder as we go on.

I have asked the tutors to cover topics this week for your weekly assignment to help you with this concept. Tutors can also be visited for any questions you may have.

I will do all in my power to help you be successful in this course. Do keep in mind this course is challenging and I cannot make it easier. Please continue to study at home. This language requires at least 3 hours outside of class time. Quickly looking over units before quizzes will only result in lower scores. Languages are hard to learn and take time, motivation and dedication to master.

ASL 1101-001 (8:00) Blog #6: ABC stories


A treasured part of the heritage of the Deaf Community is their language, ASL. It is, as with any culture, an important part of their identity. One of the fun and special traditions enjoyed and shared by the Deaf Community is signing stories using Number or Alphabet hand shapes. In these stories, various hand shapes do not stand for the numbers and letters themselves, but are used as signs or gestures to convey concepts. They are signed in alphabetical or numerical order, and used in amazing ways to sign or act out a story.

I want you to watch these ABC stories that I have chosen for you. The first story that I have selected shows how each letter is used to develop the story and you can see on the screen the letter as the signer uses it. Keep in mind these handshapes represent things, not the letters! The other two clips you must follow on your own. On Monday I am going to ask you to create your own ABC story! Story telling is a huge part of the culture and I wish to expose you to the many ways story telling is used. This will also allow you to learn how to better incorporate body langauge, mime, and facial expressions into your signing which are all important in your development of learning ASL. Not only that, you will be able to participate in a special fun tradition shared by Deaf people.

After you have viewed the videoclips, I want you to discuss these amazing stories with your ASL sisters and brothers (classmates). What did you think of them? What was easy for you to understand? Difficult? What fascinated you? What was inspiring? What can you compare this to in English?

Now think about traditions in your own families (think about your hertiage, culture, religon etc.)that are important to you and why. Also, what traditions are important to the American Culture? Compare and Contrast this to ABC stories in Deaf Culture.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Week #5 Announcements and Agenda

Hello! I am back!

I am so sorry that I did not have access to the internet at home this week. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Here are some announcements:

We will be back on track at the end of next week and you will be able to follow the syllabus again. I have posted nexts week schedule for you here. It is very similar to your syllabus with the exception we will have two units next week.

-Monday Oct. 11

Week 6: Oct. 11-15
-Complete Units 5 &6

Week 6: Oct 11-15

Unit 5-Requests

--verb pairs
-noun/verb pairs

Unit 6-Expressing yourself

Numbers 1-100

-Cochlear Implants
-negative incorporation
-negative forms

Blog Assignment #6
-Comment #1 Due: 12:00 am Tuesday
-Comment #2 Due: 12:00 am Thursday

Be sure to attend weekly tutoring and complete assignment