Rubric: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Workshop
100 points
Tutors will have access to past student workbooks. As you develop your project, you may ask to see these workbooks with the tutors. Workbooks cannot be copied from or taken out of the lab. Workbooks are only allowed to be viewed with the tutors. You may sign up at anytime available to view these workbooks.Required Pages and Conventions (this assignment is broken into 3 parts)
Part #1Students must group with students with similar majors or interests. These groups can have 2-4 members. Working together students need to develop who they are, who they are targeting and find 10 resources to develop their project. Resources need to be identified and summarized. This is due Week 5 on Friday. The assignment must be typed.
sources should cover areas of:Clearly explained these three areas so audience understands who Deaf people are.
• Identify Deaf people (Pathological View vs. Cultural view)
• Identify hearing loss
*Identify Deaf Culture
Part #2Required Pages and Conventions
• 10 pages
Part #2
• Table of contents
• Who are you?
• Who is your audience?
• Hearing loss
• “D” and “d”
• Pathological and Cultural View
• Deaf Culture/Identity
• Communication strategies
• Resources 10
• References
Check this out!
• Demonstrated control of conventions (punctuation, spelling, grammar, etc.) that is skilled in nunances and enhances. messages.
• Written Portion followed video in a clear and concise order.
(5 pts) Required Pages and Conventions
• 8 pages
• Demonstrated control of conventions that was appropriate to the message.
• Written Portion had followed the video but some areas were not clear and concise in order.
(4 pts) Required Pages and Conventions
• Less than 6 pages
• Did not always demonstrate
control of conventions and is sometimes inconsistent to the message.
• Written portion did not follow the video and was lacked clarity and conciseness.
(3-0 pts)
Understanding Deaf People
Clearly explained these three areas so audience understands who Deaf people are.
• Identify Deaf people (Pathological View vs. Cultural view)
• Identify hearing loss
Identify Deaf Culture
(20 pts) Understanding Deaf People
Some areas not clearly explained and more explanation needed to understand who Deaf people are.
• Identify Deaf people (Pathological View vs. Cultural view)
• Identify hearing loss
Identify Deaf Culture
(19-15 pts) Understanding Deaf People
Areas are not clearly explained and much more explanation is needed to understand who Deaf people are.
• Identify Deaf people (Pathological View vs. Cultural view)
• Identify hearing loss
Identify Deaf Culture
(14-0 pts)
Vocabulary, Dialogs, and Communication Tips
• Clearly listed 50 vocabulary geared toward future career
• Clearly listed 10 dialogs following the list given in ASL and provided English translation
• 10 communication tips were listed (5 good and five poor)
(20 pts) Vocabulary, Dialogs, and Communication Tips
• Clearly listed 45 vocabulary geared toward future career
• Less them 10 dialogs following the list given were listed and some inaccurate English translations were given
• 9 communication tips were listed (good and poor).
(19-15 pts) Vocabulary, Dialogs, and Communication Tips
• Clearly listed 40 vocabulary geared toward future career
• Less them 8 dialogs following the list given were listed and several inaccurate English translations were given
• 8 communication tips were listed. It was not clearly defined which were good communication tips and poor communication tips
(14-0 pts)
• Listed seven resources (these resources can be contact persons, interviews, Internet information, etc.)
• Clearly listed where audience can find additional assistance if needed.
• Under each resource, gave a brief description of what it is and what it contains.
• One resource gave information as to where to find sign language interpreters if needed.
• Ten resources listed were used for the development of the paper.
(5 pts) Resources
• Listed six resources (these resources can be contact persons, interviews, Internet information, etc.)
• Listed where audience can find additional assistance if needed.
• Under each resource, gave a brief description of what it is and what it contains.
• One resource gave information as to where to find sign language interpreters if needed.
• One of the seven resources listed were used for the development of the paper.
(4 pts)
• Listed five or less resources (these resources can be contact persons, interviews, Internet information, etc.)
• Information listed did not give information as to where audience can find additional assistance if needed.
• Did not include a brief description of what each source is and what it contains.
• Did not give one resource as to where to find sign language interpreters if needed.
• No resources listed were used for the development of the paper.
(3-0 pts)
Part #3
Video Portion 50 vocabulary words that you feel are important to your audience to know
10 targeted dialogues created with your topic in mind (written in English and ASL (use your book as a guide)
Descriptions for Dialogues
Dialogues must target these areas
Descriptions for Dialogues
Dialogues must target these areas
• Politeness _____
• Descriptions of people ____
• Requests _____
• Offering and declining _____
• Suggestions and advice _____
• Expressing needs and wants _____
• Greetings _____
• Conversation openers and enders _____
• Create 2 or your own _____
10 communication tips (Demonstrate 5 good and 5 poor communication tips as well as write a list in your workbook)
These are to be written and demonstrated on your DVD
Proficient (60-55 pts) Satisfactory ( 54-40pts) Needs Improvement (49-0 pts)
• Parameters are correct in all vocabulary.
• 50 vocabulary were demonstrated.
• The vocabulary that was selected very well in regards to student’s future careers.
• The vocabulary is correctly captioned.
(handshape, palm orientation, location, movement, and facial grammar)
(25pts) Vocabulary
• Some parameter errors in vocabulary.
• 47 vocabulary were demonstrated.
• The vocabulary that was selected was appropriate but others would be been more specific.
• The vocabulary is correctly captioned most of the
(handshape, palm orientation, location, movement, and facial grammar)
(24-22 pts) Vocabulary
• Several mistakes in parameters in vocabulary.
• Less than 46 vocabulary were demonstrated.
• The vocabulary selected was poor and not appropriate for student’s future career.
• The vocabulary is not correctly captioned.
(handshape, palm orientation, location, movement, and facial grammar)
• 10 dialogues were presented using the guide given.
• Dialogs were well performed, creative, and grammatically correct.
• Viewing audience could easily view videotape and see all signers at all times.
• Dialogues were corrected captioned in English (ASL Translations needs to be written in workbook as well)
(25 pts) Dialogues
• 9 dialogues were presented using the guide given.
• There were few errors in dialogs. Some performances lacked creativity, and had few grammatical errors.
• Viewing audience sometimes could not easily view videotape and see all signers at all times.
• Dialogues were sometimes corrected captioned in English English (ASL Translations needs to be written in workbook as well)
(24-22 pts) Dialogues
• 8 or less dialogues were presented using the guide given.
• Dialogs were not well performed, not creative, and not grammatically correct.
• Viewing audience could not easily view videotape and see all signers at all times.
• Dialogues were not correctly captioned in English English (ASL Translations needs to be written in workbook as well)
(21-0 pts)
Communication Tips
• Ten communication tips were clearly demonstrated for viewing audience.
• 5 good communication tips were demonstrated.
• 5 poor communication tips were demonstrated.
• Viewing audience could clearly see signers.
Clearly showed 5 good communication tips and 5 poor
(5 pts)
Communication Tips
• Nine communication tips were clearly demonstrated for viewing audience.
• 4 good communication tips were demonstrated.
• 4 poor communication tips were demonstrated.
• Viewing audience could not always clearly see signers.
(4 pts) Communication Tips
• Eight or less communication tips were clearly demonstrated for viewing audience.
• 3 good communication tips were demonstrated.
• 3 poor communication tips were demonstrated.
• Viewing audience could not clearly see signers.
(3-0 pts)
• Videotape is 7 minutes in length.
(5 pts) Time
• Videotape is 5 minutes in length.
(4 pts) Time
• Videotape is 3 minutes in length.
(3-0 pts)
Task Checklist:
Video Checklist
N=needs improvement
Student Teacher
_____ 50 vocabulary selected are appropriate for career choice. _____
_____ Created 10 dialogs from the list provided. _____
_____ Created 5 good communication tips. _____
_____ Created 5 poor communication tips. _____
_____ Each student signed for the same amount of time. _____
_____ Each student is clearly seen on the videotape _____
_____ The video was eight minutes in length. _____
_____ All information is captioned (signed) _____
Overall evaluation _____
Additional Comments:
Evidence of Learning:
Students’ Outcomes:
Students will further develop their basic ASL skills in a “real-life” setting to start, conduct and terminate a conversation of short length. Students will be able to sign specific targeted vocabulary and dialogues in American Sign Language that is specifically geared towards their future careers. They will demonstrate the correct sign parameters, facial grammar, syntax, and structure of ASL. Students will be able to recognize what vocabulary, sentence structure, and communications tips are needed to communicate with Deaf people when the occasion arises. They will also be able to inform their co-workers and employers how to better communicate with Deaf people and where resources are available to them to assist them in the process. Students will become more confident in their ASL communications skills and no longer fear communicating with Deaf people. Finally, students will understand the importance of team work and effort by working together with their peers.
Task Description:
1. Students are to create a workshop to educate their future co-workers/employers about working with Deaf people.
2. Students are to reflect back on information that was presented in class through guest speakers, personal stories of instructor, and films in regards to the oppression and discrimination that Deaf people face in the work place and everyday lives.
3. Students will be assigned to groups of students that have similar future career interests. No more than five students will be assigned to a group.
4. This workshop must be separated into three parts. There will be a written portion, videotape portion, and a page listing useful resources for the audience they will be presenting to find further information.
5. The five-page written portion will include:
a. Understanding Deaf People
• Define who Deaf people are (Pathological View vs. Cultural View).
• The differences of individual deaf people in regards to hearing loss.
• Explain the importance of Deaf Culture and what it means to Deaf people
• Explain the Deaf Paradigm and its four components
b. Essentials of Communication
• List 50 targeted vocabulary that will be used in your place of work.
• Write 10 dialogs in the targeted areas listed that will be used in your place of work and write them in ASL for the viewing audience with translation of English for understanding (be sure to explain to your audience that ASL is not a written language nor is it signed in English order so it therefore looks like “broken” English and the only reason that you are writing it is so that they can see what each sign is as they view the dialogs).
• List five good communication tips when working with Deaf people.
• List five poor communication tips when working with Deaf people.
c. List seven resources (these resources can be contact persons, interviews, internet information, etc.).
• List resources that the targeted audience can use to find further information if needed.
• List where they can find additional assistance if needed.
• Under each resource, give a brief description of what it is and what it contains.
• Be sure that one resource gives information as to where to find sign language interpreters if needed.
• Three of the seven sources must be used for developing your paper.
6. The videotape portion will include:
• Select 50 targeted vocabulary that is necessary for your place of work.
• Create dialogues using this list as your targeted areas (from text):
*Offering and declining
*Suggestions and Advice
*Conversation openers and enders
*Opinions and Attitudes
*Expressing Needs and Wants
*Recreational Activities
• Select 5 good communication tips and demonstrate them to your audience.
• Select 5 poor communication tips and demonstrate them to your audience.
• Be sure to view your video before turning it in!
7. All students must sign all of the areas required on this video. Each student is to sign for the same amount of time. Time must be shared equally.
8. The video must be 8 minutes total.
9. The video must be edited with captioning for the vocabulary, dialogues and communication tips.
10. Each section must have appropriate transitions between sections.
11. All information spoken and signed must be captioned for all viewers.
12. Students may include a blooper reel.
Workshops need to have:
Check off as you include
• Creative cover _____
• Table of contents _____
• Well organized workbook for easy viewing _____
• Introduction to capture attention_____
• Explanation of who you are and who you are educating _____
• Description of D/deaf and Hard of Hearing people (who they are etc) _____
• Hearing loss descriptions and explanations _____
• Deaf Culture (what it is and why it is important THIS NEEDS TO BE THE FOCUS) _____
• 2 Other areas of information that you think is necessary for people in your career/area to know _____
• 10 Communication tips (do’s and don’ts) _____
• 10 Resources for people to go get further information with descriptive narratives (include interpreter information) _____
• Reference page (5 or more and correctly done in APA) _____
• DVD that follows the workbook smoothly and accurately ____