Shared Reading was created by Gallaudet University to instill parents with the tools to read to their children. This program has been successful in giving parents the tools they need to share the joy of reading with their family.
Why should parents use Shared Reading?
Deaf children read, on the average, at the fourth-grade-level when they graduate from high school.
We know that early booksharing experiences contribute to higher reading ability in school.
Many parents do not know how to share books with their young deaf and hard of hearing children.
If parents can learn how to share books, the reading ability of deaf and hard of hearing children should improve.
You are going to write, create a book and read to children in a different way! ASL!
1-Apple pie, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, too!
2-Grandma has diabetes
3-The biggest bubble
4-Debbie's big day
5-Mommy's birthday present surprise
6-There's a skeleton in my closet
7-Where does the sun sleep?
8-I feel happy, I feel sad
9-My upside down day
10-Lemons in the coffee?(crazy things in odd places)
11-My own little garden
12-Jessica goes to kindergarden
13-Painting is fun
14-She sews satin on the sofa eating a sandwich(consonant connotations)
15-lets make a collage
16-Danny goes to the pet store
17-Swimming lessons are fun
18-A puppet show for the neighborhood
19-No girls allowed
20-Hide and seek
21-My baby brother
22-Twinkie and her magic flute
23-Laugh, laugh, laugh
24-My sleepy time book
25-The day I was a super hero!
26-Clown for a day
27-Bubbles, bubbles everywhere
28-Mudpies and grass salad
29-Kristen's lemonade stand
30-The boy who loved candy bars
31-Ouch, my leg hurts!
32-My little friend
33-Miss Molly comes to visit
34-Keep Out!
35-Muffie's new bed
36-Fluffy, scratchy, sticky(different feelings or textures)
37-Baby's outing
38-Anna's loves dots
39-My cousin Ryan
40-The secret of Steeple Hill
41-364 days until Christmas
42-My key collection
43-My bike is gone!
44-Gone fishing
45-My day at the office with dad
46-There's a cow in my bedroom!
47-Shhh! Everyone's sleeping.
48-Chickenpox? Oh no!
49-A visit to the doctor
50-Megan and Katie, best friends
Use your imagination. Soon your thoughts and ideas will be flowing freely. Start creating your book now, don't procrastinate. Happy writing!
Not only will you have the opportunity to create a wonderful book, you will translate it and sign it in ASL so it is accessible to both Deaf and Hearing children.
Here are some great ideas for helping you develop your story. Be sure your story has a valuable lesson.
1-Apple pie, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, too!
2-Grandma has diabetes
3-The biggest bubble
4-Debbie's big day
5-Mommy's birthday present surprise
6-There's a skeleton in my closet
7-Where does the sun sleep?
8-I feel happy, I feel sad
9-My upside down day
10-Lemons in the coffee?(crazy things in odd places)
11-My own little garden
12-Jessica goes to kindergarden
13-Painting is fun
14-She sews satin on the sofa eating a sandwich(consonant connotations)
15-lets make a collage
16-Danny goes to the pet store
17-Swimming lessons are fun
18-A puppet show for the neighborhood
19-No girls allowed
20-Hide and seek
21-My baby brother
22-Twinkie and her magic flute
23-Laugh, laugh, laugh
24-My sleepy time book
25-The day I was a super hero!
26-Clown for a day
27-Bubbles, bubbles everywhere
28-Mudpies and grass salad
29-Kristen's lemonade stand
30-The boy who loved candy bars
31-Ouch, my leg hurts!
32-My little friend
33-Miss Molly comes to visit
34-Keep Out!
35-Muffie's new bed
36-Fluffy, scratchy, sticky(different feelings or textures)
37-Baby's outing
38-Anna's loves dots
39-My cousin Ryan
40-The secret of Steeple Hill
41-364 days until Christmas
42-My key collection
43-My bike is gone!
44-Gone fishing
45-My day at the office with dad
46-There's a cow in my bedroom!
47-Shhh! Everyone's sleeping.
48-Chickenpox? Oh no!
49-A visit to the doctor
50-Megan and Katie, best friends
Use your imagination. Soon your thoughts and ideas will be flowing freely. Start creating your book now, don't procrastinate. Happy writing!
What are you writing about? How will you incorporate ASL grammar into your story?
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