Ahhhh... Story time. Doesn't this bring back memories of your childhood? Stories are such important parts of our lives. Think of those stories your family shares again and again. Aren't they great! Or perhaps you prefer your parents would stop telling that story about when you stood up at a dinner party and pulled down your pants and announced to the startled guests that you needed to go potty! Hey, I was only 2!
Stories are a very important part of Deaf Culture and ASL. Stories are rich in facial expression, body language, structured mime, vocabulary, classifiers, eye gaze, body shifting and ASL grammar and structure. Parties, gatherings and social events are filled with incredible stories and folklore. Talented storytellers are well known in the community and it is a real treat to be in their presence.
I have selected two stories to share with you. They are amazing and filled with theatre effects! And I do not mean special effects or anything like that. I mean all through the language!
I want you to comment on the stories. What did you notice? What did you understand? What did you think was amazing? Which was your favorite? Compare and contrast the two stories. You will need to watch these a few times. Do not get discouraged. Focus on what you understand and go from there.
The first story I selected is called, "Deaf Ninja". This story teller is hearing but grew up with a Deaf brother. His story is about a vision he has. The Deaf Ninja in this vision is Deaf and uses his hearing aids as a tool to fight! These hearing aids are the old kind that were worn on the chest. He would tease his brother about them and his brother would swing them at him.
The second story is called , "The Special Reindeer". This story is being told by a Deaf man. It is a cute Christmas story about Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Watch closely, Rudolph is not hearing.